About Me

DSC_0405Robert Evenhouse is a speaker, fiction writer, and blogger living in Rockford, Michigan. He is married, has five children, and is always looking for that spare scrap of time to squeeze in a sentence or two.

Robert is a founding member of the Weaklings Writers Group that created the Jot Conference. Connect with him here or on Twitter at @parttimenovel.

Part-Time Novel was created to help individuals who want to write or do their art for a living but still have a day job and a family. It is his desire to create a community of writers who are focused on encouraging one another as they pursue the creative life.

10 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Pingback: A One Night Writer’s Conference « Part-Time Novel

  2. Hey Bob:

    I wanted to invite you to play the “round robin” game of writing a blog post about your latest book or WIP. I’m mentioning you on my blog as someone to check out because I love to read about your process. All you have to do is write a post next week and answer the following questions after linking back to my blog:
    What is your working title of your book (or story)?
    Where did the idea come from for the book?
    What genre does your book fall under?
    Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
    What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book?
    Will your book be self-published or represented by an agency?
    How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
    What other books would you compare this story to within your genre?
    Who or what inspired you to write this book?
    What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?

    After this, list 2-5 blogs that are written by writers who are struggling just like the two of us. It gives us some free publicity and can only help as we try to be heard over the noise.

    Roger C.

    1. Roger,

      Thanks for the invite. I will be sure to post this next week. I have been living in the dregs of editing my novel for the billionth time and this will be a breath of fresh air. Thanks for passing this along.

  3. Hi Bob. I have just stumbled across your site having recently started my own blog where people are free to post flash fiction and poetry – your tag line got me straight away! Like you I have a passion for writing but very little spare time between a full time career and having 5 year old twins. I always carry a note pad and try to cram bits in at any opportunity such as lunch hours etc. So far I have written a children’s novel and a few picture books but I have so many ideas swilling around that I do always wonder how things would turn out if I could devote more time to it. That said, the mortgage always needs paid and the children must be clothed and fed….. 🙂 One day perhaps, but for now I will try to make do with what I have and the fantastic Writing Group that I belong to which helps keep the words flowing. Glad I found your blog.

  4. Elizabeth, nice to meet you and thanks for stopping in. Also, thanks for the follow.

    I have a writer’s group of my own and I attribute any of my success to them. That is essential for the busy writer. I’ll visit your blog and see if I have anything to contribute. Happy writing.

  5. Catherine Townsend-Lyon, Author

    Hello Bob,

    Fabulous blog here. I found you by way of Vicki Goodwin’s blog. Below is my recovery blog on WP, but I also book promote many fantastic authors on my other WP blog: https://anauthorandwriterinprogress.wordpress.com

    Hope you will stop by sometime. Funny, my husband was born and raised in Grand Rapids, MI, then their family moved to Glendale, AZ when he turned 16. Small World right?


    Author and Columnist for “The Author’s Cafe” In Recovery Magazine …
    Catherine Lyon

      1. Catherine Townsend-Lyon, Author

        Thanks much Bob! XO And so happy we are new WP Pals!! I will visit again soon!

        *Cat Lyon* 🙂

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